Pizza in Gaeta

January 14, 2015  •  Leave a Comment


I've allowed many of these invitations pass me by and I LOVE pizza!  You know in Eat, Pray, Love when Julia Roberts says "I'm having a relationship with this pizza."  That's me!  I adore pizza, could handle it daily if my husband enjoyed it as much.  But, for the mercy of my jeans and my family...and probably my tastebuds, I enjoy pizza maybe two to three times a month.  When the Hands On Italian Pizza Making Class in Gaeta popped up onto my newsfeed this time...I signed up immediately. In talking with a friend (Sheri), I found out she and another friend (Danna) had signed up too and we decided to carpool with another lovely lady, (Yaya).  

For the last few weeks, maybe since mid-December, I had been wiped out.  With a scary busy fall full of good things, once my schedule cleared all I really felt I was up for was staring at the wall.  With finishing up my NYIP professional photography course, teaching a PWOC Bible study, taking a Precept Bible study on Revelation, being the PWOC Historian, soccer Saturday's with the kids, the husbandry of my family, attempting to keep my home clean, meal planning, grocery get where I'm going...keeping up with friends was difficult at best.  So, I was excited for this day with some ladies who I don't get to spend enough time with socially.  

For the few days prior, I had been feeling deflated with various changes I am attempting to institute with my photography business.  My expectations for the day were to relax, use my hands to make some delicious pizza Italiano, and learn some new ways to make my home pizzas better.  I took my camera along with me because I felt I needed to get back to doing what I do best, capturing moments as they happen.  And boy was I rewarded in that.  I look at these photos of my friends from that day and I can hear the cheers for successfully getting the raw pizza on the paddle, a feat most deserving of raucous hurrahs.  I can feel the warmth from the pizza oven.  Smell the yeast throughout the restaurant.  See the smiles on the faces of men and women who are displaced from their families, friends, comforts of home and are delighting in spending time learning a new trick, meeting some new locals and sinking their teeth into the culture.  Learning that cooking by hand, sight and feel is the Italian way.  In the 18 months we've lived here, I've learned the top four things that are of the utmost importance in an Italian's life:  l'amore, la famiglia, il vino e la cucina - love, family, wine and cooking.  These are bits of the culture I so want to take back with me, hold them close in my heart, make them a part of my every day (maybe not the wine daily, I did that and ended up with some really tight jeans!).  My expectations for the day where tiny compared to what God gifted me with with those ladies's company.  We had great talks, we laughed hard, we ate beautiful pizza...and may have had a relationship with it for that brief lunch.  I'm so glad I brought my camera because when those yucky days swing back around, I can look back on these and so many other pictures and feel the day all over again.    

I hope you enjoy my photos from a day of rejuvenation, I'm hoping to make these more commonplace in my schedule.   



Our fearless pizzaiolo!One of the three brothers who inherited the pizzeria from their father. Three wannabe pizzaiola! Keep it simple and do it by hand. A tasting of just the dough and some olive oil. A drool worthy menu

Loving hands preparing pies.

I never realized how large these paddles really are! Yaya is so full of life and loves meeting new friends! My abnormal circle pie. Not quite a pizzaiola yet. Unsuccessfully working the paddle, but I am so glad they were patient with us and let everyone have a go!

The life of every party!Sheri is such an amazing friend, she gives time to everyone and has so much fun adventuring around. Her best line..."I'm free that day."

Pizza BeautyRuccola, pomodori, parmesano...delizioso!    













Quattro matte!A beautiful day with some beautiful friends.

Danna, Sheri, Yaya...that day with you did more for me than I thought I needed.  I am so thankful that God has crossed our paths, I look forward to more fun days with ya'll!!

Ciao amici!


(Future pizzaiola)

Clarity-the sweetest thing

August 15, 2014  •  1 Comment

Clarity is a God thing.  It is Him lifting the veil to questions asked, prayers, uncertainties, past choices and experiences.  It is a conviction from the Holy Spirit after months of praying myself, and asking sisters to pray for me.  I yearned for this clarity, so I could move forward with a focus...I've yearned for this clarity, prayed for this clarity, talked about yearning for this clarity...since January.  Months had to pass, God had so much more He needed to show me before my heart would be willing to accept this.  It comes as to no surprise that I received this clarity during a conversation with my dear, dear friend and former neighbor Brenda, one sentence from her and...BOOM, all of the puzzle pieces fall into place.  

Like I mentioned, for months I had been struggling with my photography business, wanting to grow and change, seeing that this growth is a necessary step in order for me to make a business, a career, for my family and more than a side job.  But, I was so closed off to seeing it or worrying about a misstep...I froze and did nothing.  I wrestled in my head, "What is your problem Mackenzie??"  "If you love doing this so much, why are you not working at it?"  Something just held me back, continued to hold me back.  I felt that if I go all in with building this business, revamping all that I've done for the last 6 years, I would have to give up something and there was nothing I was willing to lose.  I love that I get to capture the essence of your family, the details of your wedding day, I truly do, but I have felt very confused with all of it, the choices and changes I need to make in order for Neer and Far to thrive for my family...not just survive.  Clarity for this specific issue has graced the page of many a prayer request book, prayer request notecard, and in discussions with friends.  But, I continued to feel uneasy and foggy with how to move forward.  

Foggy and on a cliff of uncertainty.Maybe i'm being a little dramatic, but it was foggy.

That is until yesterday, August 14.

I hadn't talked with Brenda for weeks and felt like I just needed to catch up, let her know about new prayer requests, updates on the kids and Sean and ask for counsel on how to move forward this fall with what is looking to be a busy schedule with God.  A little background on our neighbors, they are the ones who told us about Christ.  They prayed for us for four years before that fateful day we knocked on their door three years ago, August 11th, and further committed our lives to Christ.  They showed us what it truly looks like to be a follower of Christ, they discipled as Paul did...they were different and God softened our hearts to accept what they had to share.  They hold a huge place in our hearts, they're family.  They welcomed us into their home, as we did for them without judgement, even before we were Christians.  They loved us like Jesus says to "love one another as you would love yourself", they mentored us, they counseled us, they encouraged us, they showed us what it means to live a godly life.  God has shown me that through the unwise decision of buying our house, He had an ultimate plan and every time I look back on it, tears spring to my eyes.  We needed them. Sometimes you don't have to look any further than right next door.  

So, I chatted with her yesterday about a variety of God things because it seems that He's always our main topic of conversation and we both love it.  I told her about my dilemma's with regard to all the awesome things going on starting in the fall.  I will be the Historian for PWOC, possibly teaching a PWOC class (if I get selected for that!), doing a Bible in a Year group and then there's also the Precept Revelation study that starts, in addition to my daily devotional, time with husband, kids and friends AND I have to work out and then there's my photography.  I have been on the fence about the Revelation study because 1) Revelation is a daunting book of the Bible and it scares me a little, 2) I have a tendency to get lost in the Precept study I'm doing now...lost in a good way ie. hours of study and 3) time, time, time.  And she said the most amazingly OBVIOUS and simple thing, "I would encourage you to take these opportunities to grow in God and RUN WITH THEM.  You have an incredible opportunity for huge growth with these women encouraging you along the way, nothing that he is asking you to do is difficult to get to.  This could be an amazing season of growth and God has put all of these women in your path for that reason...I firmly believe that."  It dawned on me that this time here with these godly, wise, Christian sisters is fleeting.  I will never be in this position again...we WILL move, they WILL move, it will NEVER be this easy-logistically speaking-to fellowship, serve, worship with sisters in Christ.  Now is my time to build my bedrock which is what I thought I was doing, but I was unwilling to accept the fact that maybe the business side of my photography needed a rest.  It's not defeat...just a different season of life.  God knows what's coming down the line for us, not me...He's put me here specifically to grow in Him to prepare my heart for the times down the road.  

I will always have my camera.  I've built a business once without God, but the next time I will seek His face in every facet of that process and it'll be strong because He is strong and through Him I can do great things, then again maybe I won't, but right now I see that I need to rest in Him, get to know Him so I can prepare my heart, my mind for future endeavors.  Some things I know, but still need to hear them over and over for them to sink in, thanks Brenda for this one, "If you decide to do this, I know for a fact that you won't look back at your time in Naples and regret spending all of that time with God and all of those women He's planted in your life."        

Months and months of fog cleared like that first day of sunshine in Seattle.  

What a glorious thing seeing the Light is...

And just three years and a couple of days from the day we received Christ, God blessed me with clarity from the woman who believed in us all along.  

Clarity is the sweetest thing. 

Grazie mille amici!


Mt. Vesuvio groupie:-)


My summer with God

August 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

As friends sprinkle back to base after summers traveling to the States or adventuring around Europe, the question is asked, "So how was your summer?"  "What did you all do?"  Sean has a pretty tight schedule, so our travel was limited to the holiday weekends and having local fun boating, dining, and touring.  The kids had fun swimming, playing for several hours each day with our quad kids, trying out new sports like volleyball and dodgeball (go ahead..."If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"), taking swim lessons and working on math and writing here and there.  But, for me this summer was different than any other summer I've ever had.  Aside from the fact that we live in Italy and toured bits of Germany and Venice, I spent the majority of my summer getting to know God a little more through various avenues.  But here's a little Germany and Venice first... San Marco A Florian treat with a live orchestra! The famous lions of San Marco Ahhh Germany! Neuschwanstein Castle The Gorgeclose to Garmisch  

























My most involved was the 1 Thessalonians Precept study with 4-5 days each week of an hour long study.  You know when someone sees something in you that you don't quite see in yourself, well that is what happened here.  I'll get to that though.  So, Precept, then I had my monthly InTouch publication and daily devotional that did not disappoint, as usual, and I still went to PWOC and had fellowship and discussion with the ladies that inadvertently helped me battle through the rough roads of this transition last fall.  For this post, I want to focus on Precept though.  

I had really no idea what I was getting into with this, but from the encouragement of our fearless instructor (she knew it was right up my alley), I said yes.  Precept is a ministry that "exists to establish people in God's Word."  It is an inductive Bible study that uses "the Bible as it's main source of study to learn about God's word and what the Bible teaches."  Words directly from the precept website, here:  Precept.  But the best do we apply that to our daily lives...that's what counts right?  How we relate to brothers and sisters, those who believe and those who don't, those who see things maybe slightly differently that I do I move forward in love, patience, kindness, joy and not fleshly irritation and pride and...well there's so many I could list.  

I tell you what, it was just what I needed this summer.  We are studying in 1 Thessalonians, five chapters...11 weeks, three weeks left.  Precept gets you deep into God's Word.  We may have been in 1 Thessalonians, but we walked all through the Bible seeking Truth through cross-references and pointed questions.  Our first meeting, I was a little concerned when our instructor handed out a package of colored pencils.  As a means to highlight keywords, the pencils became a wonderful tool.

1 Thessalonians 4I thought it was my most colorful page, I think I found my keyword groove!


We read through this incredible book of the Bible written by my personal favorite apostle, Paul, and God showed me so much more about myself than I thought was possible in just the first six weeks.  God showed me how much my pride tore me down each day, showed me that it's OK to ask him pointed questions when we don't understand something and to be READY for the answer because usually He's going to do some refining, showed me that I have something to offer but don't get proud about it, showed me that the day I die is the first day I will ever be perfect....and all of this is OK.  I just have to accept it all and "excel still more."       

Paul's callThese three words may only be seen twice in the text, but their theme runs rampant throughout the whole book.

If you're ever asked to dive into a Precept study, I would strongly encourage you to at least's fun, eye-opening, a little tough, but soooo worth it!  Oh yeah, and I would also encourage you to start with a short book of the Bible....then COMMIT TO IT.

Grazie mille amici!


One small task...

August 02, 2014  •  2 Comments

Why do I make it so hard?  A teeny, tiny task has taken me seven years to accomplish.  I feel ashamed, pathetic.  Adin's asked me more than a few times, "why are there no pictures of me in that frame, just pictures of Emma?"  I had no answer, I just said, "We'll do it soon, I'll get a photo of you in there buddy."  A teeny, tiny years.  It's these characteristics of me that frustrate me, anger me.  I really hope I can turn it around, move toward being a more intentional creation, not one who sits and waits.  But, it's so easy to slide back into the me of the last 34 years.  Just like it's so easy for us to be mad, irritated, sad rather than joyful, forgiving, hopeful.  

As you can see I'm having a day.  I wanted space, peace.  So, while Sean and the kids watched Star Wars, I closed the door to my room and watched Sue Bryce talk about "getting out of my own way."  After that I talked to my mom, cried a little, then looked at this picture frame that has moved to three different homes and has never been updated from the photos given to us...Emma as a baby and Sean and I with her.  Don't get me wrong there are photos of Adin around the home, but what was my deal with this frame?  So, it ended there.  

Three minutes, a couple of misprints, some cutting later, we have a new something to look at.  And I bet you I will be looking at this frame several times throughout the rest of my day.  It may seem like a teeny, tiny task, but for me it's something a bit more than that.


Sometimes accomplishing the smallest tasks can do the most for our habits.

      Ciao amici!



Nove, Land of ceramics

June 28, 2014  •  2 Comments

Life here in Italy passes incredibly quickly...with that said, here is the second to last post about my March trip to Nove, Italy with a couple of crazy ladies...

As I said many, many weeks ago, a voyage to Nove is a right of passage for some wives stationed here in Europe.  When we pulled into the parking lot at VBC Ceramiche, we were so upset to see a tour bus!  On a Friday!  But we persevered, oh yes, we persevered.

VBC makes beautiful ceramics for companies like Tiffany & Co, Pottery Barn, Lennox, Vietri, Arte d'Italia, Williams Sonoma and more I'm sure.  They do beautiful work and there was no lack of choices from elegant to quirky.  When making this 7 hour trek, it has to be made on a Thursday in order to peruse on Friday morning, purchase on Friday afternoon after reposo and shop at more ceramic, copper and pewter, and leather stores on Saturday before leaving.  This is the only way it can be done...make sure husbands know this...;-).  On the weekends, VBC is only opened Saturday mornings.  Since I was shopping with two veterans who knew exactly what they wanted, I had time to just wander and pick up stuff that spoke to me.  This was no easy task though.  I must say I was very excited to see outgoing shipping labels to the Homegoods distribution center in California.  There's hope to find this beautiful dinnerware in the states for less than an arm and a leg! The Vietri collection The Vietri collection

Stacks upon stacks of beautiful ceramics More Vietri

















Some of you may know that I have a very unfocused brain for decor.  I love too many colors, shades of colors, designs, flowers, it's virtually impossible for me to settle on something, so I bought a lot of gifts.  It's the year of the ceramic, right?  I ended up with some really fun pieces for us too though.

When I saw this, I knew I was a goner! Then there was this! And this!









Decisions were made, bellies were hungry, and there was no room left on the cart, we called it quits.

These carts are made for weight!










After we made our purchases, the clerk shared the name of a little restaurant, Melegrano (I think):  locals only, beautiful view, up in the mountains.  Check, check and check...sign us up!  We were so happy we ventured to this little place for a delicious lunch.  I had the special which included, the waiter's words not mine, "special chicken."  Which, of course, was pheasant.  They were beautiful, huge ravioli's stuffed with cheese, pheasant and spinach with some kind of smoked cheese grated on top.  Everyone had a beautiful lunch.  And a caffe to revive us for the afternoon of shopping! 


My pheasant raviolies...deliciousness! Stacy's shrimp linguini Diane's white asparagus risotto.
















A little pick me up

On our way up we passed by this little church and decided on the way back to stop and check it out.  As we drove up, we noticed cars.  There were two older ladies picking the ruccola and dandelions from the grass.  I got out, did my best to strike up a conversation, talking about how my grandmother would send my father as a boy to pick the dandelions from the yard for salad.  And they told me how the sun at noon shines through the top of the church lighting the cross at the front and how adding ruccola and dandelions to the water increases the iron in least that's what we took from it.  Luckily, one of the ladies spoke English and helped us out.  I asked if I could take their picture and they said no, so Stacy set up to take my photo in front of the church and the one that didn't speak any English, Sister Maria, dashed in to take a photo with me.  And again, I fell in love with Italy.  We said "Grazie!" and drove off to visit some more ceramics stores.

My new friend, Sister Maria

We ventured on to Elios.  Elios makes a lot of funky pieces for Anthropologie and stores like it.  They had some really beautiful ceramics and I happened to stumble upon my beautiful dishes on the discount rack, so it was a score for me!   Anthropologie funkiness With the sun going down and stores closing up, we dashed out after making our purchases to find the copper and pewter lady a friend had told us about.  Luckily she was still open and we had some time to walk around.  Maybe I've never really paid too much attention in the States, but the copper here is awesome and there's a ton of it!  Whenever I see copper, it always reminds me of my mom who liked to make the caramel for our caramel for our caramel corn in one of her copper pots.  There was some kind of chemical reaction that made it so much better, she would say. Copper, copper everywhere...   At this point the Shaggin' Wagon was pretty full, BUT in our defense, stacking these purchasing is not really an option!

Second row...hehe.   That's our story and I'm stickin' to it!  Saving the best for last, hopefully I will get it done before our tour here ends!  At this rate, I just may!!  Stay tuned...but don't hold your breath, but gaze on this beautiful villa while you wait...

Grazie amici!




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