On June 10th, we left the life we lived for three years and began the transition into the yet life unknown. New church, new city, new schools, new friends, new neighborhood, new job, new house, new bills, new everything. I knew it was going to be hard moving to a city where I didn't know anyone especially after coming from having developed so many incredible friendships in Naples.
We moved into our new house on June 30. Knowing that we needed to find a church, and find one fast, we set out on that first Sunday to begin our search for a home church. It was tough y'all. Before Christ Community Church the biggest congregation we've ever participated in was no more than 75 people, this church has the capability to seat 1000! Overwhelmed doesn't begin to explain what I was experiencing. I was lonely, terrified, sad, you name it I was it. I wound up crying through the entire praise and worship (about 30 minutes) and then again during the closing prayer. At the end of church, we just sat there and Sean gets a tap on his shoulder. This beautiful soul asks if we are new. We say yes, very new. He introduces himself, Jack, and Sean introduces us to which he replies "I have a grandson named Adin, how do you spell your name?" Adin spells it out and Jack replies, "Wow, that's how he spells his name too!" (A side story: Sean's grandpa, after whom we named Adin and who Sean was so very close to, had been nicknamed Jack by his family and friends. We lost Grandpa about 10 years ago before Adin was born, but he died knowing that if the baby just beginning to take shape in my belly was a boy, he would certainly carry his name.) So, Sean and I were pretty stunned at this point and I for sure knew that our Faithful Father was looking out for us in this hard time. The following week we went back to Christ Community, and there was Jack at the end of the service looking for us. He said he wanted to take us out to lunch. We were experiencing yet another emotionally draining day, but accepted because we didn't want to stand in God's way and what He was doing through Jack.
Fast forward a couple of months, some good stuff, some bad stuff, some happy stuff and some sad stuff. Each day is better than the last, yet some are just better because we got out of bed. It's rough, I can't say much more than that. Change is hard, it stretches and challenges us. You know what else it does, it makes us remember His faithfulness to overfill our cups when we least expect it. Each Sunday we attend, the Spirit touches our hearts through the sermon, through the people and their powerful prayers, through it all. So, again I fast forward to this past Thursday. I attend the mom's group at Christ Community where we break into small groups. I'm the new one in my group, the other ladies know each other and have for quite a few years. I tell them my story about how we found Christ Community. One lady, who is an elder with her husband for the church and is choked up at this point, asks me, "Do you know who Jack and Barb are?" I say no. She goes on to tell me that they are the founders of Christ Community. This church was built out of their living room, it is because of them and a handful of other couples that we have what we have today, and the story I just told them was a terrific example of what the heart of Christ Community looks like. Wow. Just wow.
So, today, September 11th, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Christ Community Church's existence. We learned of Jack and Barb's hearts for a handful of couples who were struggling and desired a church closer to their community on the Westshore. We walked through three different buildings Christ Community called home over the last 50 years. We witnessed a now pastor talk about knowing Jack and Barb as a child while listening to our lead pastor say upon meeting Jack, "Jack was like Dick Clark to the body of Christ!" We witnessed the fruit of 50 years of loving labor in the Lord. We witnessed most importantly the grace and faithfulness of the Lord through two servants who responded when called. Pastor Hess read from Hebrews 13:7, "Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith." He added to the end, "...be as bold in your adventures as they were in theirs."
As I stood there applauding for Jack and Barb, my cup overfilled for these two very special people and once again I am reassured that the Lord is taking care to put us exactly where we need to be. Great is thy Faithfulness.